LaMer 護膚狗糧是一種優質的防敏感狗糧。使用新的技術,分解蛋白質成為小分子,狗狗的免疫系統不會把細微的蛋白質分子作為威脅,是最有效的方法避免過敏反應。含有食用非洲大蝸牛提取物,能增強皮膚屏障的免疫力,防止過敏性疾病。並含有馬骨粉、豬胎盤(膠原蛋白)及蠶油 (奧米加-3 脂肪酸),有助於促進皮膚健康。小粒裝,特別適合中小型犬。LaMer 護膚抗敏糧是南韓獸醫醫院 / 診所最暢銷的抗敏糧。韓國製造。
LaMer Skincare Dog Food is a premium allergy-friendly dog food. Using new technology to break down proteins into small molecules, the dog's immune system will not regard tiny protein molecules as a threat, which is the most effective way to avoid allergic reactions. Contains edible African giant snail extract, which can enhance the immunity of the skin barrier and prevent allergic diseases. It also contains horse bone meal, pig placenta (collagen) and silkworm oil (omega-3 fatty acids) to help promote skin health. Small pellets, especially suitable for small and medium-sized dogs. LaMer Skin Care Allergy Food is the best-selling allergy food in South Korean veterinary hospitals/clinics. Made in Korea.
LaMer 护肤狗粮是一种优质的防敏感狗粮。使用新的技术,分解蛋白质成为小分子,狗狗的免疫系统不会把细微的蛋白质分子作为威胁,是最有效的方法避免过敏反应。含有食用非洲大蜗牛提取物,能增强皮肤屏障的免疫力,防止过敏性疾病。并含有马骨粉、猪胎盘(胶原蛋白)及蚕油 (奥米加-3 脂肪酸),有助于促进皮肤健康。小粒装,特别适合中小型犬。LaMer 护肤抗敏粮是南韩兽医医院 / 诊所最畅销的抗敏粮。韩国制造。